As a new year unfolds, the eLearning Guild asked Gronstedt Group and several other industry thought leaders to peer into our crystal balls and offer some predictions on the trends and emerging practices that will shape the next 12 months in corporate learning. We were honored to be invited, and indeed we do have some thoughts. Get your complimentary copy of 2019 Predictions for eLearning here for our discussion on how VR and gamification are poised to upend learning as we know.
Let us know if we can meet up on the conference circuit this Spring:
We will be honored, along with our partners at Walmart, with a Brandon Hall Gold Award at the Capital Management Excellence Conference in West Palm Beach in a couple of weeks.
Anders Gronstedt will be the Emerging Technologies Track Coach at Training 2019 Conference & Expo in Orlando next month where I will lead a breakout session on gamification as well as a workshop on virtual reality.
We will co-present with Walmart at the ATD 2019 International Conference & Exposition in DC later this Spring.
Feel free to contact us to discuss how our Gronstedt Group team can help boost performance at your organization this year with games, simulations and VR learning experiences.